A word of Caution
Words from inside my brain.
Books about neurodivergence
I am often asked by my neurodivergent coaching clients for reading recommendations related to understanding neurodivergence, so this is a permanent place to list some of the books I’m aware of. Most of my clients are ADHD and/or autistic, so most of the books here are related to ADHD and autism. I will add to this list as I go and endeavour to do a better job of expanding my reading into dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and Tourettes.
Five simple breathwork techniques
Breathwork is a type of meditation which - because it can be done in very short bursts - can be easier to connect with for those who find other forms of meditation challenging. The benefits of breathwork are reduction in stress and anxiety, promotion of calm, creativity and empathy. Here are five simple techniques to try.
How to start a meditation practise
Five ways to start practising meditation for total beginners. Where meditation was once a practise considered to be “New Age” in The West, it’s now common knowledge that meditation is a simple and effective method for supporting good mental health with plenty of science to back up what ancient traditions have taught for thousands of years. Still, I often hear people say, “I can’t meditate. It’s not for me. I can’t quieten my mind, it’s too busy”.
What is Matrix Re-imprinting?
Matrix Re-imprinting is a strategy to reduce the intensity of memories or past events which are causing emotional triggers in the here and now. It is a subconscious reprogramming tool and a platform through which unhelpful beliefs are replaced with new supportive ones.
What is breathwork?
Interest in breathwork has been growing in recent years. More practitioners and trainings are popping up, it’s mentioned more in the media, and a film about Wim Hof is even in the works! But what is breathwork? And why might we like to “work” at doing something so fundamental?
What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?
Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT or tapping is a simple and effective body-centered modality for working through physical and emotional issues on an energetic level, but what is the thinking behind it and what happens in a session?
Reflections six to eight months on…
Assessed and confirmed autistic with ADHD earlier this year, integrating the identifers is an ongoing process which hasn’t been plain sailing. Here’s where I’ve got to…
Thoughts on praise & diverting a need for external validation
In self development spaces, there is a lot of focus on being unattached to negative judgment. We’re encouraged not to care about what other people think, especially those who aren't out there taking risks themselves. In stark contrast, there is very little said on our attachment to positive judgment aka praise, validation, ego boosts.
What a jigsaw puzzle showed me about my brain
It struck me that the way one approaches completing a puzzle could be quite telling. Here's what I noticed that interested me.
Starting something new never stops being hard
Doing something new is challenging! I am squirming at not being the best (nowhere near, sadly), the inner child and inner teen have both been out in force: Disparaging the course content, the size of the class, wanting to run away, kicking off about entirely unrelated things, finding new and inventive ways to avoid the task at hand. It's all been happening.
Practising menstrual cycle awareness
Understanding how the ebb and flow of your cycle affects your mind and body can help you be more intentional in life and work. I’ve reflected on my cycle a lot, learned how it affects me and how I can work with it rather than against it, so I’m sharing my experience
Emerging from the chrysalis
I’m still in a time of flux, personally and professionally, and what I’m finding incredibly helpful is having a daily writing habit and limiting brain input to quite an extreme level.
Thoughts on so-called pain point marketing
A while back a subscriber asked me about being trauma-informed, so I shared some thoughts. They sent me a lead magnet which detailed some information on what it means to be trauma informed alongside the notion that "pain point marketing is not trauma informed”.
The problem with “purpose”
There’s a problem with “purpose” and it’s related to the capitalist notion of human beings as cogs in the big old industrial productivity machine.
A lifetime of questions answered
It’s official: I’m autistic (with a dash of PDA and dyspraxia, but who’s counting?). Those of you who’ve been here a while might recall that I’ve been exploring the possibility I’m neurodivergent for the past year or so. Well, last week I got confirmation that what I suspected was indeed the case.
Confessions of a self-aware salesperson
The term “launch” conjures up an image of a huge, chaotic engine room, a team of sweating engineers with rolled up sleeves, mainlining industrial strength coffee, tearing their hair out whilst chewing on the ends of their pencils
One change leads to another
I'd had a hankering to come off social media and do promo in a different, more natural way that felt right for me for such a long time, but ignored it because of what "they" say you're "supposed" to do.
I quit. Here’s why.
When I finally got to the top, it felt so good - light, open, unlimited. A little scary, but ultimately liberating. The sky was blue and the sun was shining. I was free.