A word of Caution
Words from inside my brain.
Thoughts on praise & diverting a need for external validation
In self development spaces, there is a lot of focus on being unattached to negative judgment. We’re encouraged not to care about what other people think, especially those who aren't out there taking risks themselves. In stark contrast, there is very little said on our attachment to positive judgment aka praise, validation, ego boosts.
What a jigsaw puzzle showed me about my brain
It struck me that the way one approaches completing a puzzle could be quite telling. Here's what I noticed that interested me.
Starting something new never stops being hard
Doing something new is challenging! I am squirming at not being the best (nowhere near, sadly), the inner child and inner teen have both been out in force: Disparaging the course content, the size of the class, wanting to run away, kicking off about entirely unrelated things, finding new and inventive ways to avoid the task at hand. It's all been happening.
A death & creativity
My father-in-law died just over a fortnight ago. He'd had terminal throat cancer for a little over a year, diagnosed right before the first lockdown. What a year.
Three ways to boost creativity
With life so busy, it’s easy to find yourself stuck. Lacking in inspiration, motivation, joie de vivre no where to be found? Here are three ways to shift yourself back into gear and get your creative juices flowing once again.