A word of Caution
Words from inside my brain.
Five simple breathwork techniques
Breathwork is a type of meditation which - because it can be done in very short bursts - can be easier to connect with for those who find other forms of meditation challenging. The benefits of breathwork are reduction in stress and anxiety, promotion of calm, creativity and empathy. Here are five simple techniques to try.
How to start a meditation practise
Five ways to start practising meditation for total beginners. Where meditation was once a practise considered to be “New Age” in The West, it’s now common knowledge that meditation is a simple and effective method for supporting good mental health with plenty of science to back up what ancient traditions have taught for thousands of years. Still, I often hear people say, “I can’t meditate. It’s not for me. I can’t quieten my mind, it’s too busy”.
What is breathwork?
Interest in breathwork has been growing in recent years. More practitioners and trainings are popping up, it’s mentioned more in the media, and a film about Wim Hof is even in the works! But what is breathwork? And why might we like to “work” at doing something so fundamental?
Three ways to boost creativity
With life so busy, it’s easy to find yourself stuck. Lacking in inspiration, motivation, joie de vivre no where to be found? Here are three ways to shift yourself back into gear and get your creative juices flowing once again.